I have decided to make a .doc file of Phraides guide to battle pet, here is my link to a downloadable format through my dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3oz7p7g9m879ng/Phraides%20battle%20pet%20guide.doc
note: I didnt include my major payne strategy and my other strategies here..maybe next time when I am feeling less lazy.
Jeremy Feasel:
Wild golden hatchling - breath, call lightning, cyclone
use call lightning first
replace hatchling with mechanical gnome
build turret
build turret
my gnome went down when the monkey came out, and i used Crow-murder..i think call lightning helped too with murder! it was aweosme. I am only saying this cause I had a really hard time with this npc. Now I can smush him anytime!
Teams and strategies
Equip your Safari Hat!
Aki the Chosen
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) - Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1) - Emerald bite, Blessing, Dream
vs Chirrup
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Chirrup dies
vs Stormlash
- Sandstorm > Crush until Stormlash dies
- If Stormlash cast Thunderstorm again, then immediately recast Sandstorm
vs Whiskers
- From here on, cast Deflection when Whiskers has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Chain cast Emerald Bite, unless Whiskers has Dive off cooldown (then cast Proto-Strike)
Courageous Yon
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1) - Emerald bite, presence, proto-strike
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol [-] (2,2,1) Demolish, Stoneskin, Deflection
vs Piqua
- Emerald Bite > Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Piqua dies
vs Lapin
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Lapin dies
vs Bleat
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Bleat has the Chew buff, recast Stoneskin when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Demolish as a filler
Burning Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,2,1) Crush, Stoneskin, Deflection
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1) Emerald bite, presence, proto-strike
3: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
vs Crimson
- Crush > Stoneskin > Crush until Crimson dies
vs Pandaren Fire Spirit
- Deflection
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until Pandaren Fire Spirit dies
vs Glowy
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until the end
- Notes: If, at any point in the fight, your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies, then switch to Anubisath Idol, cast and maintain Stoneskin, and chain cast Crush (and cast Deflection when Pandaren Fire Spirit has Conflagrate off cooldown).
Seeker Zusshi
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1) Emerald bite, presence, pro to strike
3: Carry pet
vs Diamond
- Sandstorm > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Diamond has Howling Blast off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Mollus
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Skimmer
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Skimmer has the Pump buff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Wastewalker Shu
1: Carry pet
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) Emerald bite, presence, dream
vs Crusher
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Pounder
- From here on, cast Deflection when Pounder has Rupture off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Mutilator
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Flowing Pandaren Spirit
1: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1) Emerald bite, emerald blessing (optional?), proto-strike
vs Marley
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff or when Marley has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Tiptoe
- Chain cast Crush, unless your Sandstorm is off cooldown (then cast it)
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Bite until Tiptoe dies
vs Pandaren Water Spirit
(- If your Anubisath Idol is still alive at this point, cast Crush until it dies > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp)
- Proto-Strike when there is 1-turn left on Whirlpool and Geyser
- Emerald Bite all the way
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) Emerald bite, presence, dream
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, Sandsorm, Deflection
vs Woodcarver
- Start with an Emerald Bite on round 1
- Then, repeat this exact sequence until Woodcarver dies: [start] Emerald Presence > Emerald Dream > 2x Emerald bite [repeat]. If you do it right, you will cast Emerald Presence each time Woodcarver has burrowed.
vs Lightstalker
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Lightstalker dies
vs Needleback
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Needleback has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Farmer Nishi
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, Sandstorm, Deflection
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1) Emerald bite, presence, proto-strike
vs Siren
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Siren dies
- If Siren recast Sunlight, then recast Sandstorm
vs Toothbreaker
- Sandstorm > wait until Toothbreaker is back > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Toothbreaker has Leech Seed off cooldown, recast Sandstorm when it fades, Crush as a filler
vs Brood of Mothran
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, recast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
Hyuna of the Shrines
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1) Emerald bite, presence, proto-strike
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) crush, sandstorm, deflection
vs Skyshaper
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Skyshaper dies
vs Fangor
- Emerald Bite > Proto-strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Fangor dies
vs Dor the Wall
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Dor has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Whispering Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) Crush, sandstorm, deflection
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) Emerald bite, presence, dream
vs Dusty
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Whispertail
- Crush until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Whispertail dies
vs Pandaren Air Spirit
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Blood Knight Antari
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,1,1) Breath, ancient blessing, proto-strike
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1) crush, sandstorm, deflection
vs Arcanus
- Proto-Strike > Breath until Arcanus dies
vs Jadefire
- Ancient Blessing > Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Jadefire has Conflagrate off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Netherbite
- Cast Deflection when Netherbite is under Phase Shift, Sandstorm when Netherbite is under Sould Ward, Crush as a filler
*edit as of Feb 1, 2015 - I changed Anubisath Idol to Magical Crawdad..Surge-Renewing Mist-Wish on both Jadefire and Netherbite
1: Carry pet (should have 500 HP to survive)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,1) Breath, blessing (optional?), proto-strike
3: Anubisath Idol (2,2,2) Demolish, Stoneskin, Rupture
vs Kali
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Breath > Proto-Strike > Breath until Kali dies
vs Ashtail
- Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Ashtail dies
vs Incinderous
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Incinderous has less than 290 HP > Rupture
- Recast Stoneskin when you have 1-turn left on your buff
Goz Banefury
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,2) Crush, Sandstorm, Rupture
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,2) Breath, presence, dream
vs Twilight
- Sandstorm (recast it whenever it is off cooldown) > Crush until Twilight has less than 350 HP > Rupture
- At this point, if Twilight resurrects, then cast Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Amythel
- Crush (or Sandstorm when off cooldown) until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
vs Helios
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
1: Anubisath Idol (2,2,1) Demolish, Stoneskin, Deflection (optional?)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2) Bite, presence, dream
vs Pyth
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Pyth dies
vs Spring
- Demolish until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Clatter
- Cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Last edited by Phraide on June 6th, 2013, 10:26 am, edited 6 times in total.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
How to level your battle pet FAST (2nd guide)
Thundering Pandaren Spirit guide
arctic hare - dodge first, then burrow, flurry when you can just use dodge whenever his first 2 abilities come up..when the first enemy goes down your rabbit should still have some hp left.
emerald whelp - bite, blessing, dream
3rd - your carry pet
Gutretch - 2 beasts 1 critter
clockwork mechanical gnome - build turret, repair , fist, turret
cogblade raptor-
3rd pet -carry
Beegle Blastfuse - 2 flyers 1 aquatic
nordrasil wisp for first 2 pets
jade owl - thrash, adrenaline rush and liftoff for the elemental penguin enemy pet
3rd pet - carry pet, bring him out when big dps cooldowns are off on the 3rd enemy pet
Okrut Dragonwaste- the asshole..yes i said it.
1 dragonkin 2 undead enemy pets
first use the anubisath idol - crush sandstorm deflection
use this guy even when the 2nd pet comes out, sandstorm will able to fend off any critical strikes
2nd pet - infected squirrel - creeping fungus rabid strike consume, keep creeping up and consume when u can, and use rabid strike as ur primary dps.
3rd pet - ur carry pet
obalis in uldum -
clock work gnome - turret first then heal . dont bother fisting here..
2nd pet if your gnome goes down take out the whelp, when the moth is out take ur carry pet out on the 3rd enemy pet and put ur whelp in again
Brok - Hyjal
Anubisath idol - deflect first to avoid the flash, then sandstorm, just keep in mind the flash has a 2 round cooldown
2nd pet carrying pet
Clockwork gnome - turret, heal, turret , dont bother fisting here and you'll be good.
Goz Banefury -
arctic hare - dodge first then flurry then burrow
mechanical gnome - by the time you get to the 2nd enemy pet their hp should be at least 50% and you have to take out your mechanical gnome, turret first then heal then turret.
by the time the spider comes out, this guy is a super asshole to beat..you can try fisting him from time to time but turret and repair should be priority.
3rd pet, as usual, is at least a 600 hp carry pet.
arctic hare - dodge first, then burrow, flurry when you can just use dodge whenever his first 2 abilities come up..when the first enemy goes down your rabbit should still have some hp left.
emerald whelp - bite, blessing, dream
3rd - your carry pet
Gutretch - 2 beasts 1 critter
clockwork mechanical gnome - build turret, repair , fist, turret
cogblade raptor-
3rd pet -carry
Beegle Blastfuse - 2 flyers 1 aquatic
nordrasil wisp for first 2 pets
jade owl - thrash, adrenaline rush and liftoff for the elemental penguin enemy pet
3rd pet - carry pet, bring him out when big dps cooldowns are off on the 3rd enemy pet
Okrut Dragonwaste- the asshole..yes i said it.
1 dragonkin 2 undead enemy pets
first use the anubisath idol - crush sandstorm deflection
use this guy even when the 2nd pet comes out, sandstorm will able to fend off any critical strikes
2nd pet - infected squirrel - creeping fungus rabid strike consume, keep creeping up and consume when u can, and use rabid strike as ur primary dps.
3rd pet - ur carry pet
obalis in uldum -
clock work gnome - turret first then heal . dont bother fisting here..
2nd pet if your gnome goes down take out the whelp, when the moth is out take ur carry pet out on the 3rd enemy pet and put ur whelp in again
Brok - Hyjal
Anubisath idol - deflect first to avoid the flash, then sandstorm, just keep in mind the flash has a 2 round cooldown
2nd pet carrying pet
Clockwork gnome - turret, heal, turret , dont bother fisting here and you'll be good.
Goz Banefury -
arctic hare - dodge first then flurry then burrow
mechanical gnome - by the time you get to the 2nd enemy pet their hp should be at least 50% and you have to take out your mechanical gnome, turret first then heal then turret.
by the time the spider comes out, this guy is a super asshole to beat..you can try fisting him from time to time but turret and repair should be priority.
3rd pet, as usual, is at least a 600 hp carry pet.
Pet Battles...a guide on how to level your pets FAST
So I know I have been not posting lately. I had to move to another country, that's all. No biggie..right?
Anyway I have been so into pet battles lately. I came up with so many different strategies on my own, posting them on wowhead when I could.
I just came upon this thread in Warcraftpets.com but I am just going to paste it here for my own personal use, just in case I lose their link. They didnt put all the methods there so I am going to add my own 99.99% working strategy.
A lot of thank you to Phraide by the way.
by Phraide » June 5th, 2013, 2:29 pm
Anyway I have been so into pet battles lately. I came up with so many different strategies on my own, posting them on wowhead when I could.
I just came upon this thread in Warcraftpets.com but I am just going to paste it here for my own personal use, just in case I lose their link. They didnt put all the methods there so I am going to add my own 99.99% working strategy.
A lot of thank you to Phraide by the way.
Phraide - Posts: 33
- Joined: May 25th, 2013
- Pet Score: 1639
Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3) - For beginners
/edit2: added a team for Goz Banefury
/edit1: added a team for Brok
You are new to pet battles and are looking for an efficient way to level your pets? Look no further! With tamer dailies, you will be able to level up to 3 pets from lvl 1 to lvl 25 every day, with a mere 1-2 hours time investment. You will also gain Valor Points, a lot of Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, and some Battle Stones (items which allow you to upgrade your pets to Rare quality) in the process!
This guide is designed for beginners. You will be able to complete every single strategy here with only 2 pets: an Emerald Proto-Whelp and an Anubisath Idol.
If you already have a solid pool of lvl 25 pets, I recommand you to check my other guide, Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3) - For veterans. There, you will find way faster setups and strategies.
- Only 2 pets used throughout the entire guide: Emerald Proto-Whelp and Anubisath Idol.
- The teams have only 2 lvl 25 pets, leaving room for a lowlvl “carry pet” for leveling.
- Winning as reliably as possible. This means that some strategies will be a bit sluggish.
I strongly recommand you PetBattleInfo to monitor the enemies' cooldowns.
In the guide I use these parameters: [Pet name] [(Skillset)]
- The number 1 – 3 in front of the pet names signify which pet you start with and which pet gets switched in next.
- Skillset: 1,1,1 means the first ability slot for all three abilities. 2,2,2 means the second ability slot for all three abilities. 1,2,2 means the first ability slot for the first ability, and the second ability slot for the second and third ability.
- Concerning carry pets and XP: Usually, I switch in the carry pet when my first pet dies, then immediately switch the carry pet out for the last lvl 25 pet. This way, you will get xp without having to make an action or take a hit. In some battles, I let the carry pet switch in at a different time for tactical purposes.
Pet Shop
First, you will need an Anubisath Idol. You can loot it on the twin Emperors in AQ40. This is a very easy win nowadays. You can kill them once every week on each of your characters.
You will also need an Emerald Proto-Whelp. Go north of Scholazar Basin, and check for a breed 4 of any quality (Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, whatever). If you don't know what a breed is, then read this guide here. Once you have found your Emerald Proto-Whelp [breed 4], upgrade it to Uncommon quality with a Polished Battle-Stone. You can buy one for 1000 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping. No worries, Uncommon quality is enough for this guide.
You are now ready to go!
Teams and strategies
Equip your Safari Hat!
Aki the Chosen
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1)
vs Chirrup
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Chirrup dies
vs Stormlash
- Sandstorm > Crush until Stormlash dies
- If Stormlash cast Thunderstorm again, then immediately recast Sandstorm
vs Whiskers
- From here on, cast Deflection when Whiskers has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Chain cast Emerald Bite, unless Whiskers has Dive off cooldown (then cast Proto-Strike)
Courageous Yon
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol [-] (2,2,1)
vs Piqua
- Emerald Bite > Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Piqua dies
vs Lapin
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Lapin dies
vs Bleat
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Bleat has the Chew buff, recast Stoneskin when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Demolish as a filler
Burning Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,2,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
3: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
vs Crimson
- Crush > Stoneskin > Crush until Crimson dies
vs Pandaren Fire Spirit
- Deflection
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until Pandaren Fire Spirit dies
vs Glowy
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until the end
- Notes: If, at any point in the fight, your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies, then switch to Anubisath Idol, cast and maintain Stoneskin, and chain cast Crush (and cast Deflection when Pandaren Fire Spirit has Conflagrate off cooldown).
Seeker Zusshi
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
3: Carry pet
vs Diamond
- Sandstorm > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Diamond has Howling Blast off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Mollus
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Skimmer
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Skimmer has the Pump buff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Wastewalker Shu
1: Carry pet
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Crusher
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Pounder
- From here on, cast Deflection when Pounder has Rupture off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Mutilator
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Flowing Pandaren Spirit
1: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1)
vs Marley
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff or when Marley has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Tiptoe
- Chain cast Crush, unless your Sandstorm is off cooldown (then cast it)
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Bite until Tiptoe dies
vs Pandaren Water Spirit
(- If your Anubisath Idol is still alive at this point, cast Crush until it dies > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp)
- Proto-Strike when there is 1-turn left on Whirlpool and Geyser
- Emerald Bite all the way
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Woodcarver
- Start with an Emerald Bite on round 1
- Then, repeat this exact sequence until Woodcarver dies: [start] Emerald Presence > Emerald Dream > 2x Emerald bite [repeat]. If you do it right, you will cast Emerald Presence each time Woodcarver has burrowed.
vs Lightstalker
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Lightstalker dies
vs Needleback
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Needleback has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Farmer Nishi
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
vs Siren
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Siren dies
- If Siren recast Sunlight, then recast Sandstorm
vs Toothbreaker
- Sandstorm > wait until Toothbreaker is back > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Toothbreaker has Leech Seed off cooldown, recast Sandstorm when it fades, Crush as a filler
vs Brood of Mothran
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, recast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
Hyuna of the Shrines
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Skyshaper
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Skyshaper dies
vs Fangor
- Emerald Bite > Proto-strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Fangor dies
vs Dor the Wall
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Dor has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Whispering Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Dusty
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Whispertail
- Crush until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Whispertail dies
vs Pandaren Air Spirit
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Blood Knight Antari
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,1,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Arcanus
- Proto-Strike > Breath until Arcanus dies
vs Jadefire
- Ancient Blessing > Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Jadefire has Conflagrate off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Netherbite
- Cast Deflection when Netherbite is under Phase Shift, Sandstorm when Netherbite is under Sould Ward, Crush as a filler
1: Carry pet (should have 500 HP to survive)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,1)
3: Anubisath Idol (2,2,2)
vs Kali
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Breath > Proto-Strike > Breath until Kali dies
vs Ashtail
- Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Ashtail dies
vs Incinderous
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Incinderous has less than 290 HP > Rupture
- Recast Stoneskin when you have 1-turn left on your buff
Goz Banefury
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,2)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,2)
vs Twilight
- Sandstorm (recast it whenever it is off cooldown) > Crush until Twilight has less than 350 HP > Rupture
- At this point, if Twilight resurrects, then cast Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Amythel
- Crush (or Sandstorm when off cooldown) until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
vs Helios
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
1: Anubisath Idol (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Pyth
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Pyth dies
vs Spring
- Demolish until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Clatter
- Cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
/edit1: added a team for Brok
You are new to pet battles and are looking for an efficient way to level your pets? Look no further! With tamer dailies, you will be able to level up to 3 pets from lvl 1 to lvl 25 every day, with a mere 1-2 hours time investment. You will also gain Valor Points, a lot of Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, and some Battle Stones (items which allow you to upgrade your pets to Rare quality) in the process!
This guide is designed for beginners. You will be able to complete every single strategy here with only 2 pets: an Emerald Proto-Whelp and an Anubisath Idol.
If you already have a solid pool of lvl 25 pets, I recommand you to check my other guide, Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3) - For veterans. There, you will find way faster setups and strategies.
- Only 2 pets used throughout the entire guide: Emerald Proto-Whelp and Anubisath Idol.
- The teams have only 2 lvl 25 pets, leaving room for a lowlvl “carry pet” for leveling.
- Winning as reliably as possible. This means that some strategies will be a bit sluggish.
I strongly recommand you PetBattleInfo to monitor the enemies' cooldowns.
In the guide I use these parameters: [Pet name] [(Skillset)]
- The number 1 – 3 in front of the pet names signify which pet you start with and which pet gets switched in next.
- Skillset: 1,1,1 means the first ability slot for all three abilities. 2,2,2 means the second ability slot for all three abilities. 1,2,2 means the first ability slot for the first ability, and the second ability slot for the second and third ability.
- Concerning carry pets and XP: Usually, I switch in the carry pet when my first pet dies, then immediately switch the carry pet out for the last lvl 25 pet. This way, you will get xp without having to make an action or take a hit. In some battles, I let the carry pet switch in at a different time for tactical purposes.
Pet Shop
First, you will need an Anubisath Idol. You can loot it on the twin Emperors in AQ40. This is a very easy win nowadays. You can kill them once every week on each of your characters.
You will also need an Emerald Proto-Whelp. Go north of Scholazar Basin, and check for a breed 4 of any quality (Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, whatever). If you don't know what a breed is, then read this guide here. Once you have found your Emerald Proto-Whelp [breed 4], upgrade it to Uncommon quality with a Polished Battle-Stone. You can buy one for 1000 Justice Points from Commander Lo Ping. No worries, Uncommon quality is enough for this guide.
You are now ready to go!
Teams and strategies
Equip your Safari Hat!
Aki the Chosen
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1)
vs Chirrup
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Chirrup dies
vs Stormlash
- Sandstorm > Crush until Stormlash dies
- If Stormlash cast Thunderstorm again, then immediately recast Sandstorm
vs Whiskers
- From here on, cast Deflection when Whiskers has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Chain cast Emerald Bite, unless Whiskers has Dive off cooldown (then cast Proto-Strike)
Courageous Yon
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol [-] (2,2,1)
vs Piqua
- Emerald Bite > Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Piqua dies
vs Lapin
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Lapin dies
vs Bleat
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Bleat has the Chew buff, recast Stoneskin when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Demolish as a filler
Burning Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,2,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
3: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
vs Crimson
- Crush > Stoneskin > Crush until Crimson dies
vs Pandaren Fire Spirit
- Deflection
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Proto-Strike > Emerald Bite until Pandaren Fire Spirit dies
vs Glowy
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until the end
- Notes: If, at any point in the fight, your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies, then switch to Anubisath Idol, cast and maintain Stoneskin, and chain cast Crush (and cast Deflection when Pandaren Fire Spirit has Conflagrate off cooldown).
Seeker Zusshi
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
3: Carry pet
vs Diamond
- Sandstorm > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Diamond has Howling Blast off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Mollus
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Skimmer
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Skimmer has the Pump buff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Wastewalker Shu
1: Carry pet
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Crusher
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Pounder
- From here on, cast Deflection when Pounder has Rupture off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Mutilator
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Flowing Pandaren Spirit
1: Carry pet (should have 500HP to survive)
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,1,1)
vs Marley
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when there is 1-turn left on your Whirlpool debuff or when Marley has dived, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Tiptoe
- Chain cast Crush, unless your Sandstorm is off cooldown (then cast it)
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp when your Anubisath Idol dies
- Emerald Bite until Tiptoe dies
vs Pandaren Water Spirit
(- If your Anubisath Idol is still alive at this point, cast Crush until it dies > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp)
- Proto-Strike when there is 1-turn left on Whirlpool and Geyser
- Emerald Bite all the way
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Woodcarver
- Start with an Emerald Bite on round 1
- Then, repeat this exact sequence until Woodcarver dies: [start] Emerald Presence > Emerald Dream > 2x Emerald bite [repeat]. If you do it right, you will cast Emerald Presence each time Woodcarver has burrowed.
vs Lightstalker
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Lightstalker dies
vs Needleback
- Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Needleback has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Farmer Nishi
1: Carry pet
2: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
vs Siren
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Siren dies
- If Siren recast Sunlight, then recast Sandstorm
vs Toothbreaker
- Sandstorm > wait until Toothbreaker is back > Deflection
- From here on, cast Deflection when Toothbreaker has Leech Seed off cooldown, recast Sandstorm when it fades, Crush as a filler
vs Brood of Mothran
- Switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Proto-Strike > Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Proto-Strike when off cooldown, recast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Bite as a filler
Hyuna of the Shrines
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Skyshaper
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Skyshaper dies
vs Fangor
- Emerald Bite > Proto-strike > Emerald Bite until your Emerald Proto Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Sandstorm > Crush until Fangor dies
vs Dor the Wall
(- If your Emerald Proto-Whelp is still alive at this point, cast Emerald Bite until it dies > switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol)
- From here on, cast Deflection when Dor has Headbutt off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
Whispering Pandaren Spirit
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Dusty
- Deflection > Sandstorm
- From here on, cast Deflection when off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Whispertail
- Crush until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence > Emerald Bite until Whispertail dies
vs Pandaren Air Spirit
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Blood Knight Antari
1: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,1,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Anubisath Idol (1,1,1)
vs Arcanus
- Proto-Strike > Breath until Arcanus dies
vs Jadefire
- Ancient Blessing > Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Anubisath Idol
- From here on, cast Deflection when Jadefire has Conflagrate off cooldown, Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Netherbite
- Cast Deflection when Netherbite is under Phase Shift, Sandstorm when Netherbite is under Sould Ward, Crush as a filler
1: Carry pet (should have 500 HP to survive)
2: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,1)
3: Anubisath Idol (2,2,2)
vs Kali
- Attack with your Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Breath > Proto-Strike > Breath until Kali dies
vs Ashtail
- Breath until your Emerald Proto-Whelp dies > switch to Anubisath Idol
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Ashtail dies
vs Incinderous
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Incinderous has less than 290 HP > Rupture
- Recast Stoneskin when you have 1-turn left on your buff
Goz Banefury
1: Anubisath Idol (1,1,2)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (1,2,2)
vs Twilight
- Sandstorm (recast it whenever it is off cooldown) > Crush until Twilight has less than 350 HP > Rupture
- At this point, if Twilight resurrects, then cast Sandstorm when off cooldown, Crush as a filler
vs Amythel
- Crush (or Sandstorm when off cooldown) until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
vs Helios
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream when you have less than half of your HP, Breath as a filler
1: Anubisath Idol (2,2,1)
2: Carry pet
3: Emerald Proto-Whelp (2,2,2)
vs Pyth
- Stoneskin > Demolish until Pyth dies
vs Spring
- Demolish until your Anubisath Idol dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Emerald Proto Whelp
- Emerald Presence
- From here on, cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
vs Clatter
- Cast Emerald Presence when there is 1-turn left on your buff, Emerald Dream if you have less than half of your HP, Emerald Bite as a filler
Last edited by Phraide on June 6th, 2013, 10:26 am, edited 6 times in total.
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